Sunday, March 2, 2014

Islands Lost To Time

      After watching every current episode of Lost and Once Upon a Time, I naturally started comparing the two shows, since both series were written by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz. I noticed that were similarities between the plotlines of each show. Both the fairytale creatures in Storybrooke and the castaways on the Island were trapped victims of time in a supernatural location. The fairytale characters were frozen in time, unaware of their own identities, while the castaways on the Island were thrown into different time periods after a wheel was turned.

      In both shows, a cloud of smoke means very bad news. The curse that sent the fairytale creatures was preceded by a cloud of magical smoke, while the survivors on the Island were chased by a smoke monster. However, despite the similarities in events and concepts, I found the characters in both television shows were way more similar. So for the week before the Once Upon a Time return on March 9, I will compare two similar characters from the shows each day, starting tomorrow. Spoiler Alert Watch every episode before you read these posts because the plot will be discussed. Enjoy!


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