Saturday, February 15, 2014

Born to Save The Doctor

      Am I the only one who noticed that Clara Oswald is a totally awesome companion that has saved the Doctor's life quite a bit? If you think about it Clara saved the Doctor's life every time he was endangered by the Great Intelligence after it jumped into his time stream. After that she convinced the Doctor to find an alternative solution to the Time War. If she would have remained silent while witnessing the three Doctors preparing to destroy Gallifrey, then the eleventh Doctor would not have come up with a way to hide his planet. Finally, in the Christmas special, Clara also convinced the Time Lords, who were trapped behind the crack in the wall, to give the Doctor another regeneration.

       I think, that of all the companions I am familiar with, Clara has been the most instrumental in the safety of the Doctor. As she said in the episode "The Name of the Doctor," she was born to save the Doctor, and boy did she. I have to admit, I wished she would have received a better farewell from Eleven before he regenerated into the twelfth Doctor. However, I guess, because the Doctor spent so much time with Amy Pond, she would be the companion he was thinking about so much before his death. Still I think Clara does not get enough credit because she is an unfamiliar companion, even though she has proved she is always there for the Doctor.


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