Friday, June 7, 2013

Passing of the Sonic Screwdriver

Well it’s official. Matt Smith will no longer be playing the Doctor, come Christmas time. BBC confirmed that the Doctor Who actor will leave after four years of starring as the Time Lord. Smith will continue his role of the Doctor in the 50th Anniversary Special in November of 2013, but will regenerate in the Christmas special. My initial reaction, like many other fans, was mistrust of the new actor who first starred as the new Doctor in 2010. Although I was not a fan of David Tennant’s performance of the Time Lord, I still had my doubts that this young actor could pull off such a colossal part. Boy was I proved wrong. Although Christopher Eccleston will forever be my favorite Doctor, Smith, at least out of the three recent actors, was the perfect portrayal of the Doctor. He had the exact combination of madness, charm, eccentricity, and strength that made him such a good Doctor. And the sad part is I just got used to him playing the part and now he’s leaving. Although I am sad, I’m really excited and a little apprehensive about who will be cast as the new Doctor. Of course, like anything else, speculation and rumors are spreading like wildfire. It has been rumored that the next Doctor may be played by a woman. If this is to happen, I hope the next Doctor will give an excellent performance. I can bet that many fans will be resistant and even hostile against an actress that does not fit their exact expectations. Whoever it may be, I wish this performer luck, because they have a taunting task ahead. And as for Matt Smith, I hope he had good experiences performing as the Doctor and I wish him many prospects for the future.


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