Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Strong have Been Called

Throughout history the strong have been called upon to defend the weak. It's not fair that those of you who serve, sweat, bleed and push your bodies past their breaking point, spend endless hours in combat training for those who cannot show up themselves. Who are incapable or who can't be bothered, or just wont do it. The strong defend the weak. It's not fair but it is right. It's our responsibility and it's our privilege.

 Joshua Nolan from Defiance "The Beauty of Our Weapons" 

This quote is for December 10, 2017.

Super Chick Within

If all you see is how I look, you miss the super chick within. Some people see the revolution but most only see the girl. I could lose my hard earned freedom if my fear defines my world. I declare my independence from the critics and their stones. I can find my revolution, I can learn to stand alone. 

Superchick in "One Girl Revolution"

This quote is for December 09, 2017.

Maybe into Infinity

Maybe for you there's a tomorrow. But for some of us, there is only today. And what you do today matters, in the moment and maybe into infinity. 

Samantha Kingston in "Before I Fall"

This quote is for December 08, 2017.

Time and Space Heal

If the universe came to an end every time there was some uncertainty about what had happened in it, it would never have got beyond the first picosecond. It’s like a human body. A few cuts and bruises here and there don’t hurt it. Not even major surgery if it’s done properly. Paradoxes are just the scar tissue. Time and space heal themselves up around them and people simply remember a version of events which makes as much sense as they require it to make. 

Douglas Adams in “Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency 

This quote is for December 07, 2017.

Fear is Just a Feeling

Fear is just a thing, like anything else. A feeling that exists inside of you. 

 Wakti Wapnasi from Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency "Girl Power"

This quote is for December 06, 2017.

The Greatest Risk

The greatest risk we'll ever take is by far to stand in the light and be seen as we are. 

Jordan Smith in "Stand in the Light"

This quote is for December 05, 2017.

Small Hands Do Deeds

The road must be trod, but it will be very hard. Neither strength nor wisdom will carry us far upon it. This quest may be attempted by the weak with as much hope as the strong. Yet such is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world; small hands do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere. 

 J.R.R Tolkien in “The Fellowship of the Ring”

This quote is for December 04, 2017.

It's My Life

It's my life. Sure, it's seen better days, but that doesn't mean it won't have better days again. And just because life isn't what you want it to be right now, doesn't mean you should tear it down. 

Roni from Once Upon a Time "Hyperion Heights"

This quote is for December 03, 2017.

Just Meant to Be

Ok, it's alright with me, some things are just meant to be. It never comes easily. Ok, it's alright with me, some people are scared to see what's happening frequently, but I would never shy from a fight. 

Eric Hutchinson in "Ok, It's Alright with Me"

This quote is for December 02, 2017.

Half-Truths at Best

You must never believe everything they say about a person. Generally speaking most of it will be lies, half-truths at best. 

Kate Atkinson in “Life After Life”

This quote is for December 01, 2017.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Was the Dye Cast

The past, it seems, is written in stone. Was the dye cast from the very beginning? Or is it in our own hands to alter the course of destiny. 

Mohinder Suresh from Heroes “Six Months Ago”

This quote is November 30, 2017.

Put a Little Love in Your Heart

If you want the world to know, we won't let hatred grow, put a little love in your heart. I hope when you decide kindness will be your guide. The world will be a better place for you and for me. You just wait and see. 

Mary Mary in "Put a Little Love in Your Heart"

This quote is for November 29, 2017.

The Quality of Any Challenge

The quality of any challenge was directly related to one’s ability to meet it. The less adequate one felt the better the experience, the richer the contest, and the more handsome the reward.

Dean Koontz in The Night of the Storm from “Wilderness and Other Stories” 

This quote is for November 28, 2017.

Prize Things Most

We prize things most when we've lost them. 

Sir Malcolm Murray from Penny Dreadful "Ebb Tide"

This quote is for November 27, 2017.

Life's Like a Road

Life's like a road that you travel on, when there's one day here and the next day gone. Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand, sometimes you turn your back to the wind. 

Rascal Flatts in "Life is a Highway"

This quote is for November 26, 2017.

Abandon Old Limitations

Sometimes the only way forward is to abandon old limitations. You just said I have to accept my limitations. What makes you think those are two different things?

 A. Lee Martinez in “Helen & Troy’s Epic Road Quest” 

This quote is for November 25, 2017.

Taking Control of Your Life

Taking control of your life is about changing you, not everything else. It isn't some instant magic wand that you can just wave around and make everything the way you want it. 

Todd Brotzman from Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency "Nice Jacket"

This quote is for November 24, 2017.

Sea of Love and a Thankful Heart

I will sail a friendly course, file a friendly chart on a sea of love and a thankful heart. Life is like a journey. Who knows when it ends? If you need to know the measure of a man, you simply count his friends. Stop and look around you. The glory that you see is born again each day. Don't let it slip away. How precious life can be.

 Michael Caine in "Thankful Heart"

This quote is for November 23, 2017.

To Survive in this World

To survive in this world, we hold close to us those people on whom we depend. We trust in them our hopes, our fears. But what happens when trust is lost? Where do we run when things we believe in vanish before our eyes? When all seems lost, the future unknowable, our very existence in peril. All we can do is run. 

Mohinder Suresh from Heroes "Run!"

This quote is for November 22, 2017.

Think You're Moving too Fast

Dreams are hopeless aspirations in hopes of coming true. Believe in yourself, the rest is up to me and you. Don't go chasing waterfalls, please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to. I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all but I think you're moving too fast.

TLC in "Waterfalls"

This quote is for November 21, 2017. 

Never Know Kindness

It's hard to judge cruelty when you've never know kindness.

Igor from "Victor Frankenstein"

This quote is for November 20, 2017.

Exactly the Way it Was

It's impossible to say a thing exactly the way it was, because what you can say can never be exact, you always have to leave something out, there are too many parts, sides, cross-currents, nuances; too many gestures, too many shapes which can never be fully described, too many flavors in the air or on the tongue. 

Margaret Atwood in “The Handmaid’s Tale”

This quote is for November 19, 2017.

Rooms I've Never Explored

You think the grief will make you smaller inside, like your heart will collapse in on itself but it doesn't. I feel spaces opening up inside of me, like a building with rooms I've never explored. 

Dolores Abernathy from Westworld "Dissonance Theory"

This quote is November 18, 2017.

Dream of a Girl President

What happened to the dream of a girl president? Where have the smart people gone? I'm so glad that I'll never fit in. That will never be me. Outcasts and girls with ambition, that's what I wanna see.

Pink in "Stupid Girls"

This quote is for November 17, 2017.

Who are You in this Multiverse

This universe is only one of an infinite number. Worlds without end. Some benevolent and life giving. Others filled with malice and hunger. Dark places where powers older than time lie ravenous and waiting. Who are you in this vast multiverse? 

The Ancient One from “Doctor Strange”

This quote is for November 16, 2017.

Live Any Kind of Life

I'd done some things that I regretted. I guess most people do, somewhere along the line. It's hard to live any kind of life without building up a store of regrets. 

John Connolly in Nocturnes “The Furnace Room”

This quote is for November 15, 2017.

No Correct Path in Life

There is no correct path in life. You will lose your way many times. What's important is that you find your way back to the brave girl you always were. Be wise, be strong, and always be true to yourself. 

Alura Zor-El from Supergirl "Pilot"

This quote is for November 14, 2017.

Are You Ready for Today

Hey girl, are you ready for today? You got your shield and sword, cause its time to play the games. You are beautiful even though you're not for sure. Don't let him pull you by the skirt, you're gonna get your feelings hurt. 

Pink in "18 Wheeler"

This quote is for November 13, 2017.

Captains of Our Fates

It's funny. We all have dreams. We plan our futures like we're the captains of our fates. But we're passengers; we go where fate takes us. 

Aurora Lane from Passengers

This quote is for November 12, 2017.

Settle for Devoutly Unhappy

Why don’t people do what they really want to do. Why do we so often settle for what makes us devoutly unhappy. why do we accept that happiness just isn't possible?

Anne Rice in “The Wolves of Midwinter”

This quote is for November 11, 2017.

Unknown isn't Bad

The unknown isn't always bad. Life is full of twists and turns you never see coming. 

Prince Charming Once Upon a Time “Coming Home”

This quote is for November 10, 2017.

Light is Gonna Find You

You swear the light is gonna find you, but it can't find you when you're waiting all the time. Sometimes it's hard to keep on living, but you're the one who's got to know just when it's right.

Parachute in "Something to Believe In"

This quote is for November 09, 2017.

Unsee the Truth

A man cannot unsee the truth. He cannot willingly return to darkness or go blind once he has the gift of sight. Anymore than he can be unborn.

Pembroke from "A Cure for Wellness"

This quote is for November 08, 2017.

Do With the Time

We’re here and then we’re gone. It’s not about the time we’re here, but what we do with the time. 

Rick Yancey in “The Fifth Wave” 

This quote is for November 07, 2017.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Life is a Trip

Go see the world cause it's all so brand new. Don't close your eyes cause your future's ready to shine. Life is a trip down the road that leads you. Look all around at all the mountains you haven't climbed. It's just a matter of time before we learn how to fly. 

Owl City in "When Can I See You Again"

Your future always waits ahead of you on the road of life. If you close your eyes you will miss out on the beautiful and wondrous sights around you.

This quote is for November 06, 2017. 

Careful Slice of History

I don’t care which careful slice of history you choose to cling to, there is no part of being human that does not include the death spectacle: the resort to killing, through war or “justice” or revenge. Curious ways of practicing our humanity, we humans have. 

Lidia Yuknavitch in “The Book of Joan” 

Humanity's history is a mixture of beautiful kindness but also horrendous violence. It is hard to forget our faults but it is also important to remember our compassion and strength. 

This quote is for November 05, 2017.

Just Have to Let Go

I wish my life had turned out better, but I guess there are some things you just have to let go. You have to create your own world, create your own family. 

Francis from Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency "Nice Jacket"

It is ironic that by the time you realize a mistake it is already too late to fix it. All that you can do is learn from it and walk away.

This quote is for November 04, 2017.

Looked Fear in the Face

Have you ever looked fear in the face and said I just don't care? Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself will it ever get better? 

Pink in "Glitter in the Air"

When you've hit the hardest part of your life there comes a point where you look fear in the face and are not afraid because you have nothing to lose. 

This quote is for November 03, 2017.

Looking at the World

You're a man looking at the world through a keyhole. You've spent your whole life trying to widen that keyhole, to see more, to know more. And now, on hearing that it can be widened in ways you can't imagine you reject the possibility. 

 The Ancient One from “Doctor Strange”

Sometimes those who search their whole life to find the answers are not prepared for the actual truth. Or sometimes these individuals are just too stubborn to accept the truth.

This quote is for November 02, 2017. 

Worse for Some

Better never means better for everyone. It always means worse for some.

Margaret Atwood in “The Handmaid’s Tale”

It is very important to remember around the holidays that although you may be very blessed and happy, not everyone is as fortunate as you. Spreading love and kindness is more important than receiving gifts. 

This quote is for November 01, 2017.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Devil Making People Do It

If there's a devil making people do it, or if there are demons possessing innocent folk and making them hurt other people, then it takes the culpability away from man himself. We have to be responsible for our own actions. 

Jonathan Maberry in “Dead Man’s Song”

I think we often do not want to take responsibility for our actions so we will grab at anything to blame. This shows a cowardice that is made even worse by the lies we tell. 

This quote is for October 31, 2017.

Don't Buy In

Don't write yourself off yet. It's only in your head you feel left out or looked down on. Just try your best, try everything you can. And don't you worry what they tell themselves when you're away. You know you're doing better on your own so don't buy in. Just be yourself. It doesn't matter if that's good enough for someone else. 

Jimmy Eat World in "The Middle"

The voices of others can make you feel unworthy but that does not make this true. If you let others trouble you then you let them win.

This quote is for October 30, 2017.

Toxin of Self Doubt

 We are the only species capable of self-reflection. The only species with the toxin of self doubt written into our genetic code. Unequal to our gifts we build, we buy, we consume, we wrap ourselves in the illusion of material success. We cheat and deceive as we claw our way to the pinnacle of what we define as achievement: superiority to other men. 

Pembroke from "A Cure for Wellness"

I do think self doubt can make a person feel empty inside and if that self doubt is not chased away then nothing will fill that hole.

This quote is for October 29, 2017.

Romance in the Unknown

There was romance in the unknown, but once a place had been discovered and cataloged and mapped, it was diminished, just another dusty fact in a book, sapped of mystery. So maybe it was better to leave a few spots on the map blank. To let the world keep a little of its magic, rather than forcing it to divulge every last secret. 

Ransom Riggs in “Hollow City”

The unknown can be so attractive and exciting but unfortunately that can change when you lose the mystery.

This quote is for October 28, 2017.

Imagine the Impossible

You lot, you spend all your time thinking about dying. Like  you're gonna get killed by global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible. That maybe you survive. 

The Doctor from Doctor Who "The End of the World"

We are so obsessed with the end that we hardly even consider that the end will not be when or how we expect it to be.

This quote is for October 27, 2017.

I'll Rise Unafraid

I'll rise up in spite of the ache. I'll rise unafraid. And I'll do it a thousand times again. All we need is hope and for that we have each other. 

Andra Day in "Rise Up"

It always makes me happy to see how much our fellow man and woman can inspire us and help us rise from our obstacles.

This quote is for October 26, 2017.

The Reserves of Strength

Our instinct is to fight, and to survive. It never ceases to amaze me, the reserves of strength that lie inside the most ordinary men and women. Even in the worst of suffering, there's cause for hope, or admiration, anyway. 

John Connolly in Nocturnes "The Cancer Cowboy Rides”

When individuals find a strong enough motivation to survive and to fight, it is amazing how much strength they can muster when the need arrives.

This quote is for October 25, 2017.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Stars that Burn the Brightest

I feel numb most of the time. The lower I get the higher I'll climb. And I will wonder why I got dark only to shine.  Stars that burn the brightest fall so fast and pass you by. 

Marina and The Diamonds in "Numb"

When you reach the bottom the only way to go is up and sometimes the best way to shine is to find yourself in darkness. 

This quote is for October 24, 2017.

Marry Creation and Destruction

To end war meant to end its maker, to marry creation and destruction rather than hold them in false oppositions. 

Lidia Yuknavitch in “The Book of Joan” 

I think peace is amazing because it is one of the only times that the end or destruction of something is a wonderful and beautiful thing.

This quote is for October 23, 2017.

I Get that Impulse

It's easy to just hide out and hope that your problems will go away. I for sure get that impulse. But then that gives your problem all of the power. 

Amanda Brotzman in Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency "That is not Miami"

It is easy to try to hide from your problems, but if you do those problems do seem to keep building up until they are too monstrous to deal with them. 

This quote is for October 22, 2017.

Start is the Same as the End

I have wondered, where it all began, then discovered the start is the same as the end. Cause its not about the win or the lose, yeah that's up to you, its the choice you choose.

Randy Coleman in "The Choice You Choose"

I thinks it funny how life is like a loop; we often end our life much like how we started it. 

This quote is for October 21, 2017.

Thoughts Shape Reality

You think you know how the world works? You think that this material universe is all there is? What is real? What mysteries lie beyond the reach of your senses? At the root of existence mind and matter meet. Thoughts shape reality.

The Ancient One from “Doctor Strange”

I think the universe is too large for us to know all the mysteries in it. 

This quote is for October 20, 2017.

Feel the Others Shining

Of course it was worth it. Just like every act of self-sacrifice is worth it if it helps mankind move forward to a better place. And perhaps that’s why all the lights of life are kept here so close together, so that each soul on earth has a chance to feel the others shining next to it and realize that it is not alone.

K. W. Jeter and Gareth Jefferson Jones in "Death's Apprentice"

When someone lives in isolation, they can lose hope and connection with the world. I choose to believe that there are so many people in this world because humans need to be together.

This quote is for October 19, 2017.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Survival is Just a Choice

I told you, you have one chance in a thousand, but one is all you ever need. Now you have got to make a choice. You have got to decide that you're going to live. Survival is just a choice. Choose it now.

The Doctor from Doctor Who "The Magician's Apprentice"

I definitely think that our mood affects our chances of survival or success. If our heart is not in it then we will probably not succeed, but if we have a passion behind us then the sky is the limit.

This quote is for October 18, 2017.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Undramatic Things

Trouble and aggravation's mostly made up of ordinary things. Did you ever notice that? Undramatic things.

Stephen King in “Needful Things”

Never underestimate the power undramatic and ordinary things have over us; they can have more of an impact than large events. 

This quote is for October 17, 2015. 

Slapping a Smile

Your ability to get through it, as this gets harder, that is a hundred times more powerful than slapping a smile on your face and pretending like everything's just fine. 

Matt Murdock from The Defenders "The H Word"

The strength it takes to get through hard times can be just as inspirational as slapping a fake smile on your face. 

This quote is for October 16, 2017.

Eggshells You Tell Me to Tread

 I lose my balance on these eggshells you tell me to tread, I'd rather be a wild one instead. Don't you hide your face, let it shine. 

Alessia Cara in "Wild Things"

Sometimes it is more fulfilling to be an outcast who is happy than someone who is walking on eggshells in order to be considered as normal or popular. 

This quote is for October 15, 2017.  

Only Motion Bred Strength

Some people thought only motion bred strength. Those people were wrong. The mountain was as powerful as the tide, just… in a different way. 

Seanan McGuire in “Every Heart A Doorway”

Some people feel that strength can only be seen if it is shown off, but I think that the strongest people are the ones that keep quiet about their strength.

This quote is for October 14, 2017.

Imagining One is Possible

If we can admit to ourselves what we want is out there somewhere well then maybe we can fight for it. And if we do that-then we're halfway to getting it. Because the first step to a new beginning is imagining that one is even possible.

Roni from Once Upon a Time "Hyperion Heights"

Sometimes the first and most important step is to consider the possibility that we can have a new beginning. 

This quote is for October 13, 2017.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Tried to Find a New Face

I went as far as I could, tried to find a new face. There isn't one of these lines that I would erase. Left a million miles of memories on that road. Been all around the world and as a matter of fact there's only one place left I want to go. Who says you can't go home. 

Bon Jovi & Jennifer Nettles in "Who Says You Can't Go Home"

Sometimes when you renovate yourself you find the end result is that you return to your old self. And the oddest thing is that by going through this renovation you end up appreciate what you originally were before. 

This quote is for October 12, 2017.

Never Provide It with a Kingdom

Darkness dwells within even the best of us, in the worst of us, darkness not only dwells, but reigns. Although occasionally providing darkness with a habitat, I have never provided it with a kingdom. 

Dean Koontz in Down in the Darkness from “Wilderness and Other Stories” 

I've never cared for hypocrites that claim they have no negativity, anger or darkness when they know they do. I think honesty about accepting the darkness inside but not letting it overwhelm is a good policy. 

This quote is for October 11, 2017.

Live For the Folks You Love

Everyone dies eventually. It's how you live. That's the only thing you got a say over. You live for the folks you love. 

Xylda from Midnight, Texas "Last Temptation of Midnight"

We can't control our death but we can control how we act during our life. I agree with this quote saying that it is important to live for our loved ones.

This quote is for October 10, 2017.

Don't Mean You Should Join Them

You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't so you might as well just do whatever you want. Can't win for losing, you'll just disappoint them. Just cause you can't beat them don't mean you should join them. 

Kacey Musgraves in "Follow Your Arrow"

It is impossible to please every single person you meet, and if you try you'll only drive yourself crazy.

This quote is for October 09, 2017.

Live Above Them

I wanted the power to defeat my enemies. You gave me the power to defeat my demons. 
We never lose our demons. We only learn to live above them. 

Mordo and The Ancient One from “Doctor Strange”

I think there is always the chance our problems may resurface, but the important question is whether we let them control us again or whether we fight back. 

This quote is for October 08, 2017.

History Is Everything

History was everything. The future was only the disasters of the past waiting to happen anew.

Erika Johansen in "The Queen of the Tearling“ 

Thankfully, if we see the mistakes of the past starting to look like our future, we have time to change it. 

This quote is October 07, 2017.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Fate and Chance

Fate and chance are not mutually exclusive, and alongside them exists free will. 

Wakti Wapnasi in Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency "Shapes and Colors"

I feel like fate and chance are tools waiting to be used by free will. If we treat them with respect we can use them to our advantage. 

This quote is for October 06, 2017.

Set Sail without a Destination

Don't look, fate can only find you. Can't choose for something to surprise you. Set sail without a destination. See where the wind will take you. 

Lee DeWyze in "Sweet Serendipity"

Surprises will always be surprising by definition, which makes life interesting. What is better than having a wonderful surprise waiting for you during a tough time?

This quote is for October 05, 2017.

Too Much Time Cursing Time

Every season, every celebration, every defeat and every hope and aspiration that we have is routed in time, dependent on time, revealed to us in time. We don’t think about that enough. We spend too much time cursing time. 

Anne Rice in “The Wolves of Midwinter”

I think we need to remember how precious time is because it is not a guarantee in life and it is not something that we all have equal amounts of. 

This quote is for October 04, 2017.

Waiting to be Found

Everything is unfamiliar, waiting to be found. Look ahead but don't look back. Hold on tight and don't let go. It's another small adventure, where it is no one knows. Close your eyes and enjoy the ride. There's so many big surprises out there for us to find. 

Chantal Kreviazuk in "Another Small Adventure"

Sometimes the best adventures are the small ones, the ones that let you find something new and wonderful in the ordinary. 

This quote is for October 03, 2017.

It's Not About You

You always excelled but not because you craved success but because of your fear of failure. Arrogance and fear still keep you from learning the simplest and most significant lesson of all. It's not about you.

The Ancient One from “Doctor Strange”

We have become such a self-centered and vain society and I personally feel that we need to remember that life is not always centered around ourselves. 

This quote is for October 02, 2017.

Grow Perhaps the Greater

The world is indeed full of peril and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater. 

J.R.R Tolkien in “The Fellowship of the Ring”

I think we need a reminder that although there is much sorrow, pain and violence in the world there is still love, compassion, and happiness as well.

This quote is for October 01, 2017.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Time to Tell the Truth

There were people who lied for gain, people who lied from pain, people who lied simply because the concept of telling the truth was utterly alien to them, and then there were people who lied because they were waiting for it to be time to tell the truth.

Stephen King in “Needful Things”

There are many types of liars who have their own motivation for lying. Some have good motivation behind lying and others who just love lying. The commonality between all liars is that most likely someone will be hurt by the lie. 

This quote is for September 30, 2017.

Refuse an Irrefutable Truth

People don't alter their beliefs easily. Many people refuse to accept an irrefutable truth simply because that truth puts them in the wrong. 

Kemka from The Orville "If the Stars Should Appear"

I think that human pride is one of the most strong and dangerous force in the world. Pride can blind people from the most obvious facts. 

This quote is for September 29, 2017.

All the Emptiness Inside

All the emptiness inside you is hard enough to fill. Without  a sense of purpose, we're setting up to fail. You don't have to make it right, just hold your head up high. 

Imagine Dragons in "Round and Round"

I think that not having a purpose in life can make you feel very empty. Some purposes may not seem to have much meaning to other people, but if it is important to just one person then it can have value.

This quote is for September 28, 2017.

Pretense Falling

The rhetoric of protecting children from war, shielding those most vulnerable from our most horrific truths, was always a hypocrisy designed to protect the illusions that adults carry that we care more about our children then we do about ourselves, until finally that pretense, too, fell.

Lidia Yuknavitch in “The Book of Joan” 

Any war, no matter what the cause, will always affect children. Children lose their loved ones who are involved in war and they are often put in immediate physical and psychological danger because of war. I think that if someone considers children safe from war, they are either very naive or they just do not want to accept the consequences of war.

This quote is for September 27, 2017.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Nothing Under the Sun Nor Moon

There is nothing under the sun nor under the moon, no entity of intellect, that does not have to believe something about itself, something about its purpose, the reason for its suffering, it's destiny.

Anne Rice in “The Wolves of Midwinter”

I think that if a being has consciousness and intellect, then that being has to wonder about its own existence. I feel like this is just a normal part of being alive. 

This quote is for September 26, 2017.

There For You All Along

All our lives, all we're told over and over again, is the importance of family. Like it or not, he's mine.  
True. Or are your family the ones who've been there for you all along? 

Bo Dennis and Tamsin in Lost Girl "Family Portrait"

Family is amazing to me because family is so flexible in who can be considered as family. Blood can bring together strangers or it can mean nothing when non-related people consider themselves family.

This quote is for September 25, 2017.

Home is a Battlefield

Home is a battlefield. Back home, they're all trying to get you. Get you to open up, be somebody you're not sure you are anymore.

John Diggle from Arrow "Honor Thy Father"

Sometimes the expectations and pressures that are put on you by your family can make home feel like a battlefield. The real battle is to decide if you want to be yourself and possibly lose your home and family, or to become different to ensure your family stays with you.

This quote is for September 24, 2017.

I am Titanium

I'm criticized but all your bullets ricochet. Cut me down but it's you who'll have further to fall. You shoot me down but I won't fall. I am titanium. I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose. 

Sia in "Titanium"

Some of the worst bullies would not be able to handle it if their victims fought back. They would fall much harder than their victims.

This quote is for September 23, 2017.

All Speech Becomes a Debate

Where there are so many, all speech becomes a debate without end, but two together may perhaps find wisdom. 

 J.R.R Tolkien in “The Fellowship of the Ring”

When so many opinions and perspectives clash together it is nearly impossible to find a solution that will appeal to every single person. However, when a few minds come together, they can perhaps find a solution that will at least be accepted by the majority. 

This quote is for September 22, 2017.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

A Strange Thing

Now it is a strange thing, but things that are good to have and days that are good to spend are soon told about and not much to listen to. While things that are uncomfortable, palpitating and even gruesome may make a good tale and take a deal of telling anyway.

 J.R.R. Tolkien in "The Hobbit"

I think stories that have the most drama, tragedy, and diversity are the ones that grab us because I think we can sympathize and root for the characters that fight through their circumstances. Their  victories are so much sweeter because of what they have had to survive through. 

This quote is for September 21, 2017.

Preserving Justice

I don't believe that man was made to be controlled by machines. Machines can make laws, but they cannot preserve justice. Only human beings can do that. 

The Doctor from Doctor Who "The Keys of Marinus"

Machines can enforce rules but they cannot understand the dynamic intricacies that go into the reasons why rules need to sometimes, under the right circumstances, be broken. 

This quote is for September 20, 2017.

Live Our Lives Out Loud

Maybe someday we'll figure all this out, try to put an end to all our doubt. Try to find a way to make things better now. Maybe someday we'll live our lives out loud, we'll be better off somehow. Sometimes we don't really notice just how good it can get. So maybe we should start all over. 

Rob Thomas in "Someday”

Looking to the future as a chance to change and starting over can be the best path. There are times in life when we just need to renew and refresh ourselves and our lives.

This quote is for September 19, 2017.

The Future of Rocks

One day, of course, all this will be consigned to that same history, even the mountains- sand, after all, was the future of rocks. Most people muddled through events and only in retrospect realized their significance.

Kate Atkinson in “Life After Life”

I think history equalizes and humbles all people and things. Even the most monumental figures and events become pebbles in the face of time. Ironically and contradictory, events and people can become giants long after their time has passed. Time gives and time takes away.

This quote is for September 18, 2017.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Life is Full of Sweet Surprises

Life is full of sweet surprises. Every day's a gift. I look into the eyes of love and know that I belong. No place on earth compares with home. And every path will bring me back from where I roam. Let us always love each other. Let us hear the voice of reason. Let us run from anger and catch us when we fall. 

The Muppets in "Bless Us All"

I think we as a society have lost the ability to empathize with each other and to use reason when we communicate and interact with each other. We need to start looking at each as fellow human beings rather than as a photo or name on a computer screen.

This quote is for September 17, 2017. 

No Out and Out

None of us is all good or all bad. People come in all shades of gray. No out and out devils and no true angels and saints. 

V.C. Andrews in "My Sweet Audrina" 

In life we all have sides that we may not want to show and sides that we want to highlight. If life was completely one sided then we would all be boring and would have no room to change. 

This quote is for September 16, 2017.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Comforts of Children

One of the many comforts of having children is knowing one's youth has not fled, but merely been passed down to a new generation. They say when a parent dies, a child feels his own mortality. But when a child dies, it's immortality that a parent loses. 

Constance Langdon from American Horror Story: Murder House "Halloween Part 2"

We really do still exist in our children even when we die. Our children carry us around with them in their memories and in the parts of their personalities that mirror us.

This quote is September 15, 2017.

I Broke Through and Here I Stand

Most of my life was heavy and hard. So many days, so many scars. But it was all of those years to make who I am. I broke through and here I stand. 

Zayde Wolf in "New Blood"

A life full of adversity and challenges can make a person strong skinned and capable of handling anything that is thrown at them. These individuals weathered the storm and stood standing tall in the aftermath.

This quote is for September 14, 2017.

Shared Melancholy

Shared melancholy can be comforting, even sweet, in place of anxiety and grief and anger.

Dean Koontz in “The Taking” 

In rare cases sharing sorrow or pain with others can be more comforting than experiencing this on our own. Sure it will not take pain and sorrow completely away, but it can help you heal faster. 

This quote is for September 13, 2017.

Command is All About the Balance

Command is all about the balance between inspiring confidence in your leadership and knowing when to trust your people. You got scared out there today. Scared that they didn't respect you, so you ignored advice in order to appear in control. Now, the question is, did you learn from this error? 

Dr. Claire Finn from The Orville "Command Performance"

Leadership and following command is all about the relationship that is formed based on respect. Those that lead need to realize that their followers can have important advice and feedback, while those that follow need to respect and trust their leaders. If you don't have this dynamic then you don't have a functioning team.

This quote is for September 12, 2017.

You Saw the Whole of the Moon

I pictured a rainbow, you held it in your hands. I had flashes but you saw the plan. I was grounded, while you filled the skies. I was dumbfounded by truth, you cut through lies. I saw the crescent, you saw the whole of the moon.

Celtic Woman in "The Whole of the Moon"

There are always going to be people who seem to live and conquer life to the fullest. These are rare and wonderful people who often do not fit in with those around them. I think it is best for those who are not like these people to try to absorb the bright light of these individuals

This quote is for September 11, 2017.

Dream World of Light

I would rather live in a dream world of light than a real world of darkness. 

Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan in “The Night Eternal” 

Some people become angry or disgusted at people who seem to live in their own fantasy world but I think that if making their own world helps them to survive the harsher realities of this world than it is worth it. As long as their fantasies don't hurt themselves or others, I feel they should be allowed to have their escapes.

This quote is for September 10, 2017.

Why We're Even Here

People always think they understand how the world works. But we don’t really know anything. We're always asking if we're alone in the universe, if there's something else out there. It's the wrong question. We don't really need to know what's out there. We want to know why we're even here and if what we do really matters.  

Reese Carbrera from Kevin (Probably) Saves the World "Pilot"

I think we look up to the stars for inspiration and guidance because we are hoping that if there are others like us or some divine being or even an adventurous future waiting for us up there then our lives will be worthy. The universe can make us seem so small but it can also make us feel grand in the scheme of things as well.

This quote is for September 09, 2017.

Dance Away the Pain

I'm walking in the rain. Paint a smile upon my face, because I won't let the spotlight see the heartbreak. Just let the music dance into your soul. I'm gonna keep on dancing, I gotta dance away the pain. 

Rupaul in "Main Event"

Sometimes the way to heal is to ignore the problem for a time and just lose yourself in something you really enjoy. If you concentrate solely on what is hurting you then you can drown in your sorrows.

This quote is for September 08, 2017.

Whether or Not to Listen

People say a lot of things in anger. It is our choice whether or not to listen. 

Mrs. Potts from "Beauty and the Beast" 

It is easy to take what is said in anger personally but it takes more work and is more rewarding when you understand the motives behind this anger. If you can empathize then you can sometimes fix the issue behind the outrage.

This quote is for September 07, 2017.

Traditions are Seldom Lies

Traditions are seldom lies. Traditions reflect people’s deepest beliefs and customs. They have their own truth, don’t they, by their very nature.

Anne Rice in “The Wolves of Midwinter”

Traditions, whether good or bad ones, are reflections of the beliefs, customs, opinions, and history of a society. In a way traditions are truthful portrayals of a society because it is hard to hide in things that are so unconscious. 

This quote is for September 06, 2017.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Build a Castle

I could build a castle out of all the bricks they threw at me. We're too busy dancing to get knocked off our feet. 

Taylor Swift in "New Romantics"

You can let the hateful actions and words of others break you or you can use them to strengthen yourself. If your inner strength shines bright enough all the negativity will be burned away. 

This quote is for September 05, 2017.

Have to Work at It

We lived as usual. Everyone does most of the time. Whatever is going on is as usual. We lived as usual by ignoring. Ignoring isn’t the same as ignorance, you have to work at it. 

Margaret Atwood in “The Handmaid’s Tale”

I think this is how bad deeds and situations are allowed to continue because of the deep rooted instinct of survival. Surviving means accepting your situation and figuring out a way to navigate through your new circumstances. Therefore, when people concentrate more on surviving, they are not focused on whether their situation is ethical.

This quote is for September 04, 2017.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Where Your Book Begins

Release your inhibitions. No one else can speak the words on your lips. Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins, the rest is unwritten. 

Natasha Bedingfield in "Unwritten"

I think its unhealthy if you live your life keeping your opinion and ideas hidden inside yourself. I think the best philosophy is to speak honestly and with an understanding that your words have consequences.

This quote is for September 03, 2017.

Hope to the Optimist

When you do well, you become a sign of hope to the optimist. But to the pessimist you represent the stink of his own failure. 

Gus from  "My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2"

I feel that this quote is true for some but not for all pessimists. I hope there can come a time when even the most pessimistic person might become encouraged and inspired by the success of others.

This quote is for September 02, 2017.