I was dead in the water, nobody wanted me. I was old news, I went cold as cold could be. But I kept throwing on coal trying to make that fire burn. Sometimes you gotta get scars to get what you deserve. I kept moving on and now I'm moving up.
Still we struggle to make a difference, to change the world, to dream of hope. Never knowing for certain who we will meet along the way. Who among the world of strangers will hold our hand. Touch our hearts and share the pain of trying.
Mohinder Suresh from Heroes
"How to Stop an Exploding Man"
the charm of a ghost story isn't it? Not the scares and chills- that's just for
children, but the hope of some contact with the great beyond. We all want some
message from that place.
Queen Victoria from Doctor Who in “Tooth and Claw”
There's a time you put aside for dreaming, and a time for things you have to do. But the time I like the best is any evening, I can spend a moment here with you.
Carol Burnett in "The Carol Burnett Show" Theme Song
I think there comes a time when a man has to ask himself whether he wants a life of happiness or a life of meaning. To be truly happy, a man must live absolutely in the present; with no thought of what's gone before and no though of what lies ahead. But in a life of meaning, a man is condemned to wallow in the past and obsess about the future.
It's more important to keep going and the only way to do that is first you don't deny how bad it is. Face it no matter how scared you are. You have to light up the dark with hope. It doesn't matter how dim the hope seems. Hope and love, which is what hope is really about, can come out in the darkest places. Keep trying to make things better even when it seems impossible. We have to light up the dark with hope. It's the only way to make life worth living.
Nathan Wuornos from Haven "The Trial of Nathan Wuornos"
If you had 28 thousand days who would you love? Where would you go? What would you celebrate? I'm telling you that life's too short to just throw it away. So have the time of your life.
These bruises make for better conversation, loses the vibe that separates. It's good to let you in again. You're not alone in how you've been. Everybody loses, we all got bruises.
Isn't that all of our greatest fear? That the pain, the regrets, the mistakes of our youth will destroy us in our adulthood. That we can't escape our inner child; one we would rather forget, but who, at the end of the day, has all the power.
We dream of hope. We dream of change. And then the dream becomes real. And the answer to this quest, this need to solve life's mysteries finally shows itself. In the end, we find it only in each other. Our shared experience of the fantastic and the mundane. The simple human need to find a kindred. To connect and to know in our hearts that we are not alone.
Mohinder Suresh from Heroes
"How to Stop an Exploding Man"
A bone in the place it was broken, after it heals, that becomes the strongest place on the bone. So that broken place in you can be your spiritual resurrection.
RuPaul Charles from RuPaul's Drag Race "Sissy that Walk!"
Have you ever had someone believe something about you that you know to be untrue? And your sense of inner justice won't let you simply surrender to the opinions of others? In the end, we must always be the judges of our own consciences.
Alender from
“The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall”