Although Christopher Eccleston will remain forever as my favorite Doctor Who actor, I will admit that Matt Smith's touching scene before his death gave Eccleston a run for his money in my mind. Smith made sure that the eleventh Doctor left parting words of wisdom, remembrance of his companions, and most importantly, insurance that both the Gallifreyans and humans were safe from his enemies. The eleventh Doctor gave beautiful and dramatic speeches that secured a place in the hearts of Doctor Who fans. He defied the laws of the universe after receiving an additional regeneration, which gave fans a magnificent view of lava-like energy shooting into the sky and destroying the Dalek ships. This combination of visual stimulation and snarky speech ensured that Eleventh's death would not be lacking excitement. This episode also showcased the eleventh Doctor's soft side as well. Faced with impending death, Smith gave a dignified speech. This speech demonstrated that although Eleven did not want to die, he understood that everything must end; that it is not the destination of a person's life that matters but rather the path they took to get there. His dying hallucinations of Amelia Pond showed that his companions remained very important to him. Eleven's death demonstrated that, like Eccleston, the Doctor will always save and care for others, even when facing impending doom. Both Eccleston and Smith's versions of the Doctor cared more about saving those around them than their own life. They did not spend the moments before their regeneration crying and saying how much they didn't want to go, like the tenth Doctor did. Eccleston, after saving Rose, commented on how wonderful they had been together during their journeys and how much more he wanted to show Rose. Smith, after saving Clara and the town of Christmas, gave beautiful advice on how to spend life, while remembering "the first face this face ever saw." These actions of the ninth and eleventh Doctor proved why they are my favorite actors that have played the Doctor. However, I am hoping that the twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi, will find a place in my heart as well.