Take a spin with me through the world of entertainment! Movies, television, books, music, and much more.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Brave New World
I'm so glad Brave won the Oscar for the best Animated
Feature Film. This movie truly deserves it. With a spirit that cannot be tamed,
Merida proves to young girls and women that they have the power to change their
fate. In Brave, Merida struggles to change her fate, a fate that involves
marrying a man who wins her hand in matrimony after beating his competitors in
a series of games. Merida fights for her right to choose her own fate by
competing in the contest and by out shooting her competitors. I nearly jumped
up and yelled for joy when Merida did this. Merida is a hero for the girls who
don't feel like the traditional Disney princesses, who question why they need a
prince on a white horse to rescue them. Brave is for the girls who would rather
be fighting with weapons while going on a quest, free to choose their own
destiny. I loved that this movie was not
centered on a romance, but rather around the struggle a young girl had with connecting
with her mother. This movie proves that a happy ending doesn't always have to
end with a romance. Merida and her mother Elinor were able to see each other’s
perspectives and motivations, which strengthened their relationship. Merida was
still able to keep her wild and free spirit but she was also able to learn that
every decision has consequences for others as well as herself. For Merida and
her mother, this brave new world gave them a chance to change their fate for
the better.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
The Noblest of Hearts
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Dead Crazy
I finally got around to watching "The Suicide
King", the season premiere of The Walking Dead. Wow, that show had some
crazy twists. For example, how Daryl left the group to follow his brother
Merle. When I first saw Daryl I felt that he was just as spiteful as his
brother, but when he was separated from Merle, I actually came to like his
rough around the edges attitude. Even though it saddens me that his character
is temporarily taken out of the show, I understand why. If I was given an
ultimatum between a group of friends or following a family member, I would choose
my family as well. However, Daryl will most likely regret his decision in the
future, because let’s face it, Merle is not the most easy person to get along
with. It seemed as if Merle brought out the worst aspects of Daryl, and in
doing so, put Daryl in a mindset that was not good for him. Another crazy
moment, of course, was when Rick saw the hallucination of his dead wife in
front of the new arrivals. I can foresee that at one point in time, Rick's
mental illness will cost the others a heavy price. I just wonder if Rick will
try to prevent this or if he will be too stubborn to admit it. For me, I find that
the explanation for his state of mind a little unbelievable. When Lori was
alive Rick seemed to be so upset at times that he could not speak to her. Now,
he appears so devastated about his wife's death that he suffers from insanity.
This just does not add up. Another thing that does not add up is why Andrea
still stays with the Governor, even after he proved to be insane and dishonest
with her. In previous seasons I considered her to be a strong female character
until now. Now she seems to be so dependent on the Governor's attention that
she cannot see the reality of her situation. This episode just goes to show you
that if there is ever a zombie apocalypse, then humanity will go crazy.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
The Future Looks… Funny
This weekend I started watching the show Futurama and it made me laugh so much. I should have known since the show was created by Matt
Groening, creator of The Simpsons. I'm a big fan of The Simpsons and Futurama
has the same witty but silly humor that I have grown to love. I enjoy the
concept of the show; a lazy pizza boy frozen in a cryogenic sleep wakes up a
century later. It's ironic how his new job as a package delivery boy in the
future is extremely dangerous, since he is usually sent on insanely treacherous
yet comical missions. I love how whenever Professor Farnsworth says "good
news everyone", this phrase leads to a risky mission where the chances of
survival are very slim. I’m also secretly amused when there are quick references
to characters from The Simpsons such as when the robot Bender ate a pair of
underwear off a Bart Simpson doll. This is not the only concept that I have
seen both on Futurama and on another show. I was saddened to see that an idea
from Doctor Who appears to actually originate from Futurama's episode "A
Flight to Remember". Philip J. Fry, Leela, Bender, and the rest of the
gang take a vacation trip on the Spaceship Titanic. In Doctor Who's episode
"Voyage of the Damned" the Doctor boards a starship that is a replica
of the Titanic. Both Titanic starships are leisure ships and both come to a
tragic end, of course. And since Futurama's episode aired in 1999 and Doctor
Who's episode aired in 2008, it breaks my heart to say that it appears as if
Doctor Who plagiarized a bit. I am sure it was unintentional, but it just
proves that great writers think alike.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Not All Who Wander Are Lost
Well, Baelfire's identity was finally revealed on Once Upon
a Time tonight. Emma's past love and Henry's father, Neal Cassady, is
Rumplestiltskin's son. I can't say that I'm really surprised, since rumors
spread throughout the internet that Neal could be Rumplestiltskin’s lost son.
And to be honest, there really weren’t a lot of other candidates. Whether this
news was shocking to audiences or not, the revelation of Baelfire's identity
sparked consequences that will shake the show to its core. Henry has now found
his father and his grandfather, which may result in conflict when Hook finally
catches up to his crocodile, as the previews suggest. Will Baelfire and
Rumplestiltskin make amends? To be honest I don't blame Baelfire for not
wanting to have anything to do with his father. Rumplestiltskin gave up his
right to be a father when he abandoned Baelfire in order to save his own magic. His cowardice and selfishness left his son fatherless.
Will Emma and Baelfire resume their relationship? If Henry and his father
become close, will Henry want to live with Neal? And if so, will Henry leave
Storybrooke and Emma? So many questions arose from this episode. Other
revelations were revealed, such as Cora's plans. She hopes to get hold of
Rumplestiltskin’s dagger in order to manipulate him into murdering Snow White,
Prince Charming, and Emma. The question is will she really keep the promise of
helping Regina take back Henry, or is she only using her daughter to become the
Dark One? Most likely, the answer is the latter. And of course, in the
background of this complicated plot lurks Greg Mendell, the stranger who now
has undeniable proof that there is magic in Storybrooke. He recorded on his
phone Regina floating objects out of Belle's purse, which he then proceeded to
send to his contact outside of Storybrooke. There is no doubt that this will come
back to haunt the town.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Survival of the Fittest Has Begun
Well today the new season of Survivor aired. This season the
location of Survivor is in the Caramoan Islands in the Philippines. The two
tribes facing off against each other are Fans vs Favorite. Some of the
Favorites who have made a splash in previous seasons are Brandon Hantz, Erik
Reichenbach, Phillip Sheppard, and Malcolm Freberg. Despite the Favorites
taking an early lead in the Reward Challenge, the Fans won the Immunity
challenge, proving that determination can beat experience. After the Immunity Challenge,
it fell upon the Favorites to choose who they wanted to vote off their tribe.
At first, Phillip's name was on the chopping block, since most people felt he
was the least stable of the group. However, when paranoia spread in the camp,
Francesca Hogi and her alliance felt they had to split their vote, since they
felt that Phillip may have the hidden immunity idol. Andrea Boehlke’s name was then
whispered around, with many people saying they didn't trust her because she was
too strategic. When it finally came to the voting in tribal council, it came to
a very close tie between Francesca and Andrea. Francesca was ultimately the one
to go home, which was devastating since this was the second time she was the first
of her season to be voted out. Although I like seeing how experience from the
favorites clash with determination from the fans, I feel like more attention
will be placed on the favorites, since so many love the spotlight. I personally
like to see new people at the beginning of the season and to grow acquainted
with them as the show progresses. That way I have a concrete favorite that I want
to see win Survivor. Tonight's episode proved that there will definitely be
clashes of egos and drama in the future.
Monday, February 11, 2013
The Turning Tide
In Once Upon A Time’s episode “Tiny” I was still holding out
hope that Regina would not team up with her mother Cora. However, now that Cora
has her grasp on Regina, it seems impossible that Regina will be anything other
than the Evil Queen. It was so unique that Once Upon a Time gave a chance for
the Evil Queen to become more than just the villain. I really was excited when
Regina tried to become a better person than her mother. Sadly, she reverted
back to her usual self, and it seems to me that she will never stop trying to
get revenge. And since Henry is on a mission with Rumplestiltskin and Emma, it
seems like he won't be able to stop his adopted mother from doing something
regrettable. Maybe future episodes will reveal that Regina is just pretending
to go along with her mother's plan in order to plot a way to stop her, although
it seems very unlikely. Speaking of a tide turning, Rumplestiltskin appears to
be losing his power, a concept that must be very foreign and upsetting to him.
Plus this begs the question of whether Hook will get his revenge on a powerless
Rumplestiltskin. And of course, there are the every present questions of who is
Rumplestiltskin's son, what plans does Cora have for Storybrooke, and will the
stranger reveal that there is magic in the town? I am, as always, excited to
see what happens on next week's episode.
Not So Tiny Anymore
I’m so happy that "Once Upon a Time" returned last
night. I've been waiting two weeks for this show to come back on. So far the
episode has given me a great deal to think about. The gender bending of Jack
proved very interesting. I’m always excited when traditional fairytales have a
woman stepping out of the roles of wife and mother. However, I was a little
disappointed to have this Jack betray Anton, the giant who just wanted to make
connections with humans. Jorge Garcia did such a good job playing the gentle
giant. The fact that the giants were a hardworking and peaceful race and that
the humans were deceitful and greedy was a nice twist. In most fairytales the
giants are a malicious and greedy race that lord over their treasures. It was
refreshing to have a new perspective on the giants, who valued a good day’s
work over the benefits of their crops. I'm also a big fan of underdogs and I
think that Anton really embodied an underdog. Not only was he the
"dwarf" of his family but he was willing to give humans a chance,
even if they didn't deserve it. I’m glad that Anton was accepted by the people
of Storybrooke, even after he caused so much damage. And the cutting of the
beanstalk that he provided for the town may prove very interesting for future
Sunday, February 10, 2013
This Girl is On Fire
After watching the film "Hunger Games" I decided
to read the book series. After finishing the first book of the series, I
started reading "Catching Fire". For the first few chapters, I wasn't
interested in the book, since to me, it seemed mainly to be Katniss Everdeen’s
thoughts on whom she should have a relationship with; Peeta or Gale. I'm really
not a big fan of romance, so I was starting to get bored. Thankfully, the book took
an interesting turn of events when revolution in the districts seemed to be a
possibility. However, when I found out Katniss was going to be returning to the
arena, I was a tad hesitant to read. I was afraid it would just be a repeat of
what was written in the first book. However, Suzanne Collins did not allow this
to happen. With a new location for the arena, new characters with new fighting
styles, and a surprising twist on the capabilities of the arena, I've found
that I can hardly put the book down. Even though I haven't finished
"Catching Fire" yet I am super excited about how this book will be
portrayed in film.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
American Idol Hollywood week
As usually American Idol's group auditions during Hollywood
week did not disappoint in terms of dramatic, shocking, and inspiring moments.
I was really shocked when it was announced that the groups were all males and
the contestants would be assigned their group members. I personally felt that
this was a recipe for disaster, since these auditions are hard enough when the
contestants have a choice in who their group members are. I know if I was a
contestant, I would be completely devastated if I was sent home because my
group was not able to practice and perform together. I was also disappointed to
see that the groups were not a combination of males and females. I was very
upset about this, especially since some contestants spoke about how there would
be no drama since the groups did not have any females. However, as the show
progressed, the men proved themselves to be just as emotional and dramatic as
women. There were definitely ego clashes, disastrous performances, and dramatic
exists, but even through all of this drama, there were still inspiring moments.
To hear Micah Johnson singing after damage to his vocal cords and to watch
Lazaro Arbos break out in song after struggling with a stutter is truly
miraculous. I cannot describe how inspirational it was hear the positivity of
Kayden Stephenson, who suffers from cystic fibrosis, or to see the joy on
Matheus Fernandes's face as he was hoisted onto his group member's shoulders.
These moments made watching American Idol worth it.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Excitement
For my feature writing class I'm writing a timely story
about the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. With all this research about the
show, I am dying to see what the Anniversary episode will have in store. I am
really excited to see which companions will return to the show. My fingers are
crossed for Donna, Captain Jack Harkness, and River Song because I absolutely
love them. I've read rumors online that Stephen Moffat plans to include
appearances from all eleven actors who have played the Doctor. The first three,
who are deceased, will be added in using special effects. I'll definitely be
keeping an eye out for my favorite Doctor, Christopher Eccleston. I wished he
could have played the Doctor for more than one season. Anyway, I am excited to
find out the explanation of who Clara Oswin Oswald really is. I think I found a
photo on Facebook that suggested that Clara was really the daughter of Rose and
the meta-crisis Doctor. That would be an awesome explanation for me personally,
but who knows if that is the real reason behind her two deaths. No matter who
or what is in store for the anniversary episode, I will definitely be tuning
in. I just wish it was on sooner than November.
Warm Bodies
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